Literacy: It Matters

22 10 2012

Literacy is something that most people, especially in America, take advantage of.  We often complain about going to class or having homework, but we do not realize that people in other countries would give anything to have the opportunity to learn and go to a school.  Literacy rates are high in the United States, and education is something that is valuable.  Education is valuable in other countries but they lack the resources to provide education to all of their citizens.  Being literate is more than gaining information or having the ability to read or write, it is a medium for expression.  The illiterate are unable to express themselves in a particular way, but they can still express themselves in general within limitations.  The ones that are wealthy enough to afford education are the ones that can benefit from it even though they are already benefiting from their riches.  The poor, the ones who need education the most, are the ones that continue to be oppressed and left at a disadvantage.  The oppressors take their power and it snowballs and accumulates more and more resources to make the gap between the oppressed and the oppressors even larger.  The theater of the oppressed is for the people, and it was created to serve people rather than people being there to be served.  Oppression is often not clear cut, and it can be difficult and even impossible to determine which is which.  Many people who suffer from server oppression are able to determine that they are truly being oppressed, but even the oppressors can feel oppressed by other or the ones they are trying to oppress.



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